Irrigation Installation and Servicing
It may seem a contradiction, but we believe that irrigation is an effective tool for managing water use and thus saving water.
A good irrigation system can ensure that different plant types receive different amounts of water.
Different sprinklers put water down in different ways so we can tailor the watering for all the areas of a garden.
Careful calculations take into account how much water the plants need, the amount of water the sprinkler puts down, the amount of pressure in the supply line and various other factors.
This then enables the programming of a controller which will then call on the system as and when needed.
We can, for example, decrease watering in the “no-grow” season or allow the system to come on at times of day when there is the least amount of wind or we can install a sensor that “trips” the system when there has been enough rain and watering is not required.
Travellers have their gardens watered in their absence so that the financial investment made in the landscaping is preserved.
A good-looking garden or sports field is a good advertisement for schools and businesses.
Irrigation has become a “must” in these applications, especially sports fields where there is a lot more wear and tear and caring for the grass is critical.
Schools can no longer afford a big mud patch where a sprinkler was forgotten for a few hours and the recovery time between matches/ practices is short.
Irrigation not only looks after landscaping, but we also use it in other, diverse applications.
Restaurants make use of “misters” for keeping patrons cool, thus creating a “cool” environment for people to linger and enjoy themselves.
Chicken farmers use them to cool sheds and prevent the loss of poultry in extreme heat.